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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
4.  The Masters Tab
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The Masters tab shows the masters which are based on the current template.

/upload/sdn5/end user/template manager 5.3/masters_tab1.png 

Select the Master command from the New chunk to create a new master from the current template. Enter the master’s name in the prompt window:

/upload/sdn5/end user/template manager 5.3/masters_tab2.png

Click OK and the master will be created.

Take a look at the picture below:

/upload/sdn5/end user/template manager 5.3/masters_tab3.png 

There are two records below the master name: subitems number and usages number.

If a user creates a master with subitems, the item created from this master will have the corresponding subitems as well. The subitems record indicates the number of subitems under a particular master.

The usages record shows how many times a particular master is assigned to other items or masters.

The Refresh button refreshes the window and the Standard Values command opens the template’s _Standard Values item for editing.

Learn how to fill master fields.

Learn how to add subitems to a master.

In General, we recommend to use standard values to assign masters.

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